Here are some of the questions I am asked the most often…
Can I repost your recipes on my website?
I’m thrilled when anyone makes and enjoys my recipes! I do ask however that you do not repost complete recipes or step by step instructions from Love From The Oven, and instead provide a link back to the recipe on my website. If you would like to repost an entire recipe or instructions, please contact me and I would be happy to discuss it.
You aren’t always exact on some of the measurements in your recipes. Why?
I look at baking as a very creative endeavor. Almost like art. Some things you need to stick to – when I make brownies, I need a certain amount of eggs, flour, sugar, baking powder, butter, things like that. But aside from those basics that create the perfect chemistry to bake something up, the rest is pure creativity to me. Add 1/2 a cup of chocolate chips or add two cups. Add nuts or add sprinkles. Frost or don’t frost. Those things won’t change the base product, so HAVE FUN. If there is one thing I want people to walk away from this blog knowing it’s that you can HAVE FUN AND BE CREATIVE. It’s not rocket science. It’s not life or death. It’s sprinkles and sugar and smiles. See a recipe for pink velvet cake but you want blue? Change the food coloring. Don’t like nuts? Don’t use them. Love white chocolate? Switch out your semi-sweet chips for white. You aren’t going to break any laws of baking by making things your own. GO FOR IT!
Can I use your photos on my website?
You are welcome to share up to two photos per post/recipe as long as you clearly indicated that the photos are from Love From The Oven and provide a link to the original post that the photos came from. If you are interested in using additional photos, or obtaining rights for commercial use, please contact me.
What sort of photography experience / set up / equipment do you use?
I am a Canon girl, and have been ever since my Dad passed his Canon AE1-P when I was a teenager. For as long as I can remember, I have been in love with photography. My major in college was photojournalism until the program was put on sabbatical for a year, forcing me over to psychology. I have always loved everything about photography, and for the past twenty years I’ve always had a camera close by.
Updated! I am currently using a Canon 5D Mark III and a three lenses, the Canon 50mm 1.4, Canon 100mm 2.8 Macro, and Canon 24-70 2.8 II.
Today I use a Canon 7D body with a few different lenses. My favorite lens is my Canon 50mm 1.4. It’s a fast, sharp and lovely lens and is on my camera 90% of the time. A less expensive alternative which is an amazing lens for the price is the Canon 50mm 1.8, known as the Nifty Fifty. For the price you really can not beat this lens. I also use a Canon 100mm 2.8 macro.
All of my photos are shot with natural light in my kitchen and dining room. I have a window over seven feet wide and five feet tall that faces north in my dining room, which helps tremendously. I have plain white sheers on it to diffuse the sunlight. I have a kitchen cart that I keep most of my props in, such as plates, napkins, containers and paper for backdrops. I use plain white foamcore board as a reflector. It’s a simple set up. After I take my photos, the boards are slipped behind the cart and props are put back in, and it’s back to just being the dining room.
I also take a lot of photos with my phone, and since most of those photos leave a bit to be desired, I run them through Instagram, which I adore. It’s amazing how cool your cell phone pics can look once you apply their filters.
My best advice for someone new to photography or looking to improve their photos is to practice, practice, practice. Use natural light. Practice some more. Turn off the automatic setting and shoot manually. Some great sites and posts to learn more about food photography include…
Kevin & Amanda
White On Rice Couple
Laura Ferroni
Recipe Girl
Love Veggies & Yoga
Have a question? Let me know, and I’ll try and answer it! 🙂